Monday, November 11, 2013

Hello, catching up

Wow, it's been so long since I posted here. Funny how things just get busy and then snowball onto themselves over and over again. I never meant to abandon this blog, but it just got a bit forgotten among everything else, so it lay there dormant. Sitting here, I thought Is hold try to revive this, so I'm hoping this is the first of several posts to come. Forgive the quietness, I see there are still visits to the blog, and I'd love to indulge the readers in our new adventures.

So to catch up since where I left it at... Philip has earned two MACHs in AKC already! That's right, I said two :) He earned his first MACH in August 2012, and his second one just a week shy of one year later, in August 2013. Philip also earned his T2B title in July 2012, and T2B2 just this past weekend :)

Currently, we have 4 QQs and more than enough points towards MACH3.

End of the year is usually a bit sparse in trials for us as I get busy with holidays and stuff. I plan to use this time to recap on some fun stories from the last year though, and other Agility tidbits.

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